FAQs - U.S. Log & Timber — U.S. LOG & TIMBER

Please review our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and their answers.

If you still cannot get the answers you need please contact us and a member of our team will contact you for assistance.


Are log homes a more environmentally nature-friendly building choice?

We believe now, more than ever, a log home is a responsible option when considering environmental sustainability. This is because use of dead standing timber, small diameter fast growing Cedar and avoiding cutting old large growth stands has to be where nature friendly company begins. Then add to that, incorporating good design and maintenance and a log home can easily last for several generations, many homes are still in service 100 years after construction. A log home is a gift and legacy to future generations.

Also log homes naturally don’t require as much synthetic material as conventional construction, reducing the industrial footprint of pollution, energy consumption and waste.

Log homes can be easier to heat, using less energy, see the below FAQ: How does a log home compare for heating?


What is a ‘Full Scribe’ log home?

‘Full Scribe’ refers to a method of fitting horizontal stacked logs to build a tight wall. Each log has a long groove cut into its underside, so it precisely and securely nests on the log below. The corners are interlocked with notching to provide a very secure structure.


What is a ‘Chinked’ log home?

Chinked’ refers to a method of fitting horizontal stacked logs to build a wall. Each horizontal log rests on the log below; we choose the logs to fit well but there is no grooving along the bottom side. To keep the weather out ‘chinking’ – a special filler – is applied between the logs, much like a bricklayer uses mortar between bricks. The corners are interlocked with notching to provide a very secure structure.


What is a ‘Post and Beam’ log home?

Post and Beam’ homes use vertical logs (posts) to support load-bearing horizontal logs (beams), similar in idea to a kitchen table, except on a grand, more complex scale. This creates a robust frame for a home of beautiful exposed logs, leaving many options open for the exterior walls.

Post and Beam homes feature logs with their natural round shape and character intact except where they join the floor and ceiling joists, rafters, etc.

Many joinery options are available. Structural elements (logs) are typically visible from both inside and outside of the building.


What is a ‘Timber Frame’ home?

Timber Frame construction is similar to ‘Post and Beam’ except:

  • With Timber Frame, dimensioned lumber (8″ x 8″ for example) is used instead of logs.

  • Timber Frame typically uses classic mortise and tenon joinery secured by wooden dowels.

  • Structural elements (timbers) are typically visible from inside only and the frame is usually ‘skinned’ outside with conventional frame and plywood or state-of-the-art structural insulated panels.

The gorgeous soaring roof trusses one sees in old wooden churches are usually Timber Framed — examples of the unsupported spans possible, and the lasting strength for centuries in some cases in Europe.


What is a ‘Hybrid’ log home?

‘Hybrid’ homes are a popular combination of ‘Full Scribed,’ ‘Post and Beam and laminated log.’ We put down a few horizontal courses of ‘Full Scribed’ logs and then build ‘Post and Beam’ on top.


What finishes do you recommend for log homes?

Avoid anything that creates a build-up on the wood surface that will prevent the wood to from breathing. Moisture trapped inside an impermeable finish can cause severe damage.


How can you assure wood quality?

Every log home that is shipped by US LOG is Timber Products Inspected (TPI) and graded so that you know you are getting graded, premium logs. Not cordwood. Each log is graded and stamped – certified to meet or exceed TPI standards. The added cost is to us - is worth it for our customer’s peace of mind.


How long can a log home last?

With good design and proper maintenance, the well -built log home will serve for centuries.


How does a log home compare for heating?

Handcrafted log home walls have comparable R-values to what you get with standard construction. However we have noted that our homes are often easier to heat than what you would expect from the R-values. There is more to the story — thermal mass. Logs offer better thermal performance based upon its mass.


Are the transportation costs included in the price of the log house?

No. The house has its own price and the cost of the transportation is settled with every client separately, depending on the delivery location and means of transportation.


How much does it cost to get my log home delivered to me?

The prices of your log home delivery change a lot depending on the location, size, and time of the shipment.


Does the construction site need any special preparation before the assembly of the log part of the house?

The site has to have access roads for heavy trucks, the foundation readyand the ground smoothed.


Does the house have to be built in Summer months?

No. The really nice thing about log houses is that they can be built anytime.


What kind of products should be used for the inner and outer finishes?

For the exterior we recommend FDA certified wood sealants. This protects the wood from insects, stains and mold. For the inside of the house we suggest you use as natural products as possible (we can discuss options)


Is the size of the log house limited by the length of the logs used?

No, the length of the logs does not dictate the size of the house or individual rooms. The lengths of materials are only restricted by the measures of transportation. Our long-log mill is the only log company mill in North America that can mill and lathe a 60’ (or more) length log


Do you use dry logs?

Yes, all the materials are harvested in high desert timber forests and dead-standing.


Which type of foundation is best suited for a log house?

The type of foundation needed has more to do with the properties of the soil and ground on the building site and the size of the house. You can use any type of foundation (pier foundation, strip foundation, base slab).


Do log homes place any special demands on utilities (pipe lines, sewer, etc.)?

No, all traditional solutions work fine with log houses.


How much does a log house settle?

It depends on the type of log used. For solid log profiles the settlement is about 2- 3% for every story of height. If laminated logs profiles are used you may have settlement around .5-1%. Since the settlement is taken into notice during the engineering process you can move into your new home right away.


How much does it cost to have A General Contactor build the house?

The erection costs are directly related to the amount of work needed and to the location of the new house. When doing primary calculations, you should consider the costs to be around 30% -40% of the house price (depending on the package and location).


Can I build the log home myself?

Yes! But be sure to consider all the positive and negative aspects before you make your decision. We can decide these options with you in detail when you are ready.


Is a log home completely maintenance free after completion?

A log house does need some care from the new owner. The work needed is nothing major and the company provides detailed care instructions on the completion of the house. Once again, from the very beginning we will go over type of house you want, the type of system that we will recommend to give you the most house for your budget and what things you can do to protect your investment.


How energy efficient is a log home?

Wood is the best insulation material nature has to offer. It does not mean that you will have most energy-efficient house just by increasing the thickness of the walls. Like with every other type of house you have to consider the insulation norms for floors, ceilings and roof, use the right kind of doors and windows, etc. Furthermore, when you add a knowledgeable builder to your project you will have a well insulated, energy-efficient house. US log and timber does offer several different double wall with insulation packages. We can discuss these options when you are ready


Is it cheaper to order a “standard plan” log home kit?

Yes. We can find a lot of ways to help you cut costs. You can save a few thousand dollars choosing the plan that has already been built several times. So many things that are worked out and many times we have plans that just seem to lend itself to a more economical and efficient design (for materials, etc.).


Do you build log homes from unique plans/projects?

Yes. This is one of our key assets. We will always find the best solution for every client. You can send your log home plans to us and we send you the price estimate with 3d drawings and detailed floor plans.


What kind of wood do you use?

We use Western Red Cedar, select Pine and Douglas Fir. We have other wood varieties that we can quote upon request.


Are log homes cheaper to build compared to houses from other materials?

Log houses are usually cheaper than similar size stone houses, frame or concrete houses (depending upon location).


How can US log and timber offer high quality at competitive prices?

We control the manufacturing pipeline from end to finish by doing everything ourselves. One of our partner’s family handles the logging of the timber. We have two mills that produce our products. And US log and timber has a professional customer service staff to make sure from design to delivery to erection of the logs that things go as they should. Also, unlike most of the companies that are stuck in old dealer network business models, US log and timber costs stay down because there are no sales middle-men. It also means manufacturing quality can be fully monitored and therefore guaranteed at all stages of the manufacturing process.


How much does a log house cost?

The price is influenced by the type of logs and other materials used, the location of the building etc. This is always the first question that we get asked. Have no interest in dodging the question since were pretty excited about how we compete against others in this category. But the fact is, that we need to understand what it is you want before we can even give you a fair ballpark. U.S. Log & Timber has a tremendous variety of options to give you the most house for your budget, at the lowest cost. We were trying to get to a good ballpark answer as fast as possible. We know how important this is for your decision-making process.