“The quality of an organization can never exceed the quality of the minds that make it up. ”
Our Exciting History
U.S. Log & Timber is a company with nearly four decades of experience standing behind us. U.S. Log & Timber was created out of demand for a business that would develop quality, packaged log homes leveraging 40 years of combined experiences and knowledge. Leading up to the founding of our organization, we invested much in the way of time, talent and dollars in order to create log home packages that are not only beautiful, but structurally sound and safe.
The Beginning
We didn't just spring up overnight to meet the growing demand for log houses. In fact, our founders were pioneers in the industry and took time to ensure our customers would receive a high-quality product. We originally strove to deliver a product that was complete—a total engineered system, rather than just a whole bunch of logs thrown together. We have accomplished just that.
We're proud of the log packages we put together and we think they represent some of the best values around in the housing market today. We also believe you'll find them to be among the most complete log packages offered by anyone in the industry. Whereas many manufacturers offer only the building materials—the logs themselves — U.S. Log & Timber supplies a great deal more.
Our Future
As our business continues to grow, we will ensure we are able to change with demand. U.S. Log & Timber is proud of our innovative culture, and we understand that norms today may not stay constant into the future. Our customers are our primary focus, and we are very sensitive to changing needs. However, as times change, and needs evolve, we will continue to support all of our loyal customers.
The U.S. Log & Timber Story
U.S. Log & Timber got its official start in the 1970s through a partnership of sawmills and loggers. Our founders became involved in designing floor plans and houses in the late 70s. In 1981, our founders built and furnished (including landscaping) a two-story, laminated Log Cedar home at the national homebuilders show in the center of Curtis Hixon Convention Center in Tampa, Florida. At the time, there was only one other company in the country that was using laminated timbers for housing logs.
The decision to use laminated cedar timbers was due to their incredible wind resistance and insect/termite resistance (cedar) – which at the time, was the natural solution for solving these issues. Fast forward 37 years later, pine can be made more resistant to insects than untreated cedar with non-toxic, all-natural applications.
In 1985, we bought and opened our first traditional log manufacturing facility in Eastern Tennessee to service the growing demand for log cabin housing and rentals. Our mill was primarily a wholesaler to other log home companies and contractors.
From 1989 to 1994 our founders were contracted by a Swedish development company to offer consulting assistance in building a health resort in Finland and in Hungary. At that time, we traveled back and forth and learned a lot about unique applications for laminated timber construction and design.
Our founders also invested in University projects to advance low cost housing. Below is a pic of one of our founder's daughter presenting a $10,000 check in 2002 to the University of Arkansas’s architectural department for a low-cost housing, design build project. The house itself was funded by a founder and his partner with the cost just under $90,000.
During the 40 years in the housing manufacturing and development industry, strong mill relationships were developed and continue to flourish. A lot changed in the how log homes were being sold. With Amazon, factory outlets and the dominant emergence of online shopping, things had to change. Those that changed their ways moved forward – those that refused, did not.
It was in this environment that 3 partners, each owners of successful wholesale sawmills and log manufacturing companies decided to join forces and “go direct to the public.”
Collectively, the partner’s mills have manufactured and/or built over 2,600 log, post & beam homes and commercial structures in the USA and internationally. The partners mills were among the few log companies that weathered the recession and are poised to become important growth factors in the log home industry.
“U.S. Log & Timber was an original member of ground-breaking techniques.”
Although we had been manufacturing log home packages and components for other log home companies and builders for decades, the existing dealer-based log industry business model was a thing of the past. It was time to join forces and go direct to the consumer. This model allowed for manufacturers to bring the cost of log homes down. From this decision, U.S. Log & Timber was created – as a means to consolidate logging, manufacturing and sales to the consumer under one banner.