Information - U.S. Log & Timber — U.S. LOG & TIMBER

All of our logs shipped to our customers are Timber Product Inspection (TPI) graded and certified. Being that we harvest our own timber, the grading of the logs begins in the forests. Our trained staff sort through the timber ensuring that only the highest quality dry logs are sent to the facility for production.

As a full logging and mill producer we couple wholesale pricing with value-added service. In doing so, we can offer the most economical milled logs on the market today in keeping with our strict grade regulations. From there, our value added services extend from pre-cut log packages to our superior pre-stack log packages.


Beauty & Design

Express yourself in a U.S. Log & Timber home. Let your personality shine through and be reflected in the warmth of beautiful, hand-peeled logs. Because, this is one house that can be truly as unique as you.


A Total Building System

 U.S. Log & Timber will provide you with what we think is the best cut, most accurate log house on the market.  


Quality Materials

At U.S. Log & Timber, we have quality in our corner. And in our ceilings... our floors . . . our walls.



Cost & Value

A U.S. Log & Timber home should cost you less overall to construct than a conventional home of similar size and quality.


The Log Package

With a U.S. Log & Timber home package, you'll know exactly what you'll be getting—and what you won't be—before you even place your order.