Cost and Value (Information) — U.S. LOG & TIMBER

A U.S. Log & Timber home will cost you less overall to construct than a conventional home of similar size and quality.

One reason why, is that fewer steps are required to build it.   A U.S. Log & Timber home has one-wall construction—when you put up the logs you are putting up the outside wall, the inside wall and the insulation.  Thus, you are eliminating the need for carpenters for framing, installers for insulation, applicators for sheet rock or siding, painters, etc.

You will save on labor and materials when constructing the log portion of your home as opposed to erecting the corresponding portion of a conventional house.

There are certain items we do not provide, such as plumbing, heating, electricity, etc.  We feel you will be able to obtain these less expensively on a local level where you can "comparison shop" to obtain the lowest prices and where you won't have to absorb shipping charges.

But with labor constituting some one-third of the cost of a total completed house these days, extra dollars can be saved by building the log portion yourself . . . something which only requires a minimum of experience in carpentry or construction.

We feel that if you do erect this portion, you should be able to save money.  And, even greater savings would result if you have more advanced skills in these areas and can put up the foundation, finish the interior, etc.

Your U.S. Log & Timber home dealer is experienced in estimating about what it will cost to finish each. particular model in your area.  Regardless of how much or how little you have to spend, your U.S. Log & Timber dealer will show you how you can obtain more than you ever hoped for, for your money, in a quality, hand-peeled U.S. Log & Timber home . . . and how you can save on other things too.

Like maintenance, in a conventional home, a lot of attention, time and money must be devoted to the upkeep of the building.  In a U.S. Log & Timber home, there is no need for such things as painting, wallpapering, etc.  All logs come from the factory dipped in a wood preservative and the only real maintenance required is an annual re-treatment of the exterior walls, a fairly simple chore which usually takes about four to five hours.  The colorless preservative can be applied with an ordinary fruit tree sprayer after shrubbery and windows have been covered.  No interior applications are necessary.

In a U.S. Log & Timber home, unlike a conventional home, scratches, scuffs and dents are not really noticeable and will not detract from the value of the house.  In fact, U.S. Log & Timber usually have a fine resale value.  Many customers report that appraisals of their houses have placed their value far above conventional frame.

And that's something we say is good for the economy—yours!