Why Wood? - U.S. Log & Timber — U.S. LOG & TIMBER

It is a renewable resource

Wood grows back again. It is therefore an inexhaustible resource and comes with an impressive ecological record to boot. Wood is not only a renewable resource but our commitment to only using dead standing timber for heavy log applications is unchanged after nearly 40 years. We do not anticipate changing in the future regarding this green commitment.


Long lasting durable material

Wood that has been protected properly with non-toxic, natural sealants against weathering, will not structurally degrade to the extent of other construction methods. That is why with correct maintenance log buildings will not lose their value. Think back to old log and timber structures dating from the 13th century in Europe.


Super energy efficient

Wood's special cell structure makes it a poor conductor of heat. That makes it particularly well suited for thermal insulation and helps keep inside temperatures of homes comfortable during all seasons. This also allows log walls to collect and store energy, then radiate it back into the home.



Better fire resistance

With the proper structural measures to provide protection against fire, logs will resist the effects of fire longer than steel beams, frame construction and concrete block structures.


Fit the land

Logs are true organic building material from nature. The resulting structures blend perfectly into the existing topography. Log homes naturally integrate into the landscape, rather than being awkwardly imposed on it.



Withstanding various weather challenges

Wood has high strength and flexibility with minimal weight. The log and timber home industry has countless stories of homes successfully weathering the worst weather including hurricanes and earthquakes.